My name is Janelle Awe and I love everything about photography ~ creativity ~ intimacy ~ travel ~ and meeting you!

First of all ~ thank you for stopping by and checking out what I do and what I’m all about!

Hmmm….a few things about me…

I love a hot tea before bed.

The best date night is spent at home with a glass of red wine, popcorn, and my hubby.

My favourite movie?…anything romantic!

Mexican food…

My baby girls curls make me smile.

When my little ones say ‘I love you Mom’.

Biggest accomplishment ~ having 3 babes in 17 months…all healthy and adorable.

What’s in my future? Getting to know you better…Destination weddings (Yes Please!)…getting all my decor and prop treasures painted.

Favorite shooting? Light…day or evening, lifestyle, outdoors, studio…okay…I love it all!