Years ago my cousin Gisele was roommates with the very talented Janet Pliszka of Visual Hues Photography. I was very excited when Janet had contacted me last spring. Janet was planning on hosting a Julie Paisley Photography workshop at her studio in Calgary and would I be interested in attending? I had just started shooting so 1. I couldn’t believe Janet was contacting me and 2. I would LOVE to attend a workshop. I fell in love with Julie Paisley’s work! She had such a soft vintage style…something that I wanted to create in my images.
A Julie Paisley Photography Workshop is more than just recreating a certain style. If the soft vintage look is not what you want to create, that’s okay. Do not hesitate attending one of these workshops because of that. These workshops are so much more! She is so organized, so willing to share what she knows~ which is a lot, and doesn’t only discuss how to create the image but also discusses many things that are business related. I feel she has been a huge asset to my business and has taught me ways to work that make it feel like play and still allows me to have time for my family!
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
You can find out more about Julie Paisley’s workshops here. I highly recommend attending at least one if not more!!